Mitigating risks, maximizing potential,
and moving innovation forward

Advisory Board

Throughout the lifecycle of a startup or growth stage company, your board of advisors may very well be the most valuable resource at your disposal. Advisors provide expert advice, bring expansive network, make strategic introductions, and serve as promotional advocates for your venture.

Depending on the relationship and the needs at hand, your advisory board members may also contribute to a strategic project and assist with recruiting. Startup Growth Advisors helps you create an advisory board formation strategy and we help to architect and recruit the best in class advisors for your specific venture.

Advisory board roles and responsibilities

As your venture moves from startup to early stage to growth stage, the advisory board roles and responsibilities will likely change. To accommodate this fact, more often than not, advisory board members structure agreements for two-year terms.

As your venture progresses, a startup advisor might transition from an advisory role to a more active executive leadership role. Once your venture reaches a stage of a maturity, executive advisory board development and management is essential and the pedigree of your board of advisors will escalate in sync.

Strategic and technology advisory services

Advisory services should be selected based on the specific gaps and needs of your venture. The three most common types of advisors are those with focuses on growth, technology, or industry subject matter experts.

While specific expertise is critical, the ultimate responsibility of an advisor is to open their network and provide founders with a sounding board that is inclusive of constructive feedback.

Please feel free to complete the associated form and a Startup Growth Advisors Board Developer will contact you in a timely manner.

Select Your Immediate Venture-Building Needs:

Startup Growth Advisors is your venture builder!

We help you architect, incubate, accelerate, and grow your company from idea to scale.

As entrepreneurs, we understand the most common challenges you are likely to experience on your journey and we have the best-in-class resources lined up to support your needs.